Geruchten op Tandarts Delft

Thank you for your feedback. Wij always strive to resolve issues in person. Therefore our manager has been in touch with you today. It appears there was a misunderstanding. Wij are glad wij were able to speak with you.

Welkom voor Dental Clinics Delft. Voor het kun jouw altijd rekenen op mondzorg aangaande de voordeligste
meest bekende
de goedkoopste
de meeste voordelige
de goedkopere
de betere
de eerste kwaliteit. Onze praktijk kan zijn gelegen in dit antieke centrum van Delft en is tevens betreffende dit publiek vervoer juist te bereiken.

Since I have been receiving treatment from you, you have given me the feeling that I am satisfied with all your treatments. The good and clear explanation puts me at ease. I am a very satisfied patient!

I am happy with dentist Catalina Hoyos Hurtado. She works very precisely. Nothing escapes her during the checks, she takes her time to check everything carefully.

Door nascholing en dit verzorgen betreffende intercollegiale contacten streven we ernaar om een meeste doeltreffende, doelmatige en esthetische behandelmethodes te gebruiken.

I have had very pleasant experiences with dentist Bruidstaart. He is knowledgeable and helped me through the crown placement process with words of encouragement. He also always explained clearly what he was going to do.

We bestaan heel blij teneinde te horen het u dan ook positief bent aan onze praktijk en de zorg welke u bezit onthalen. Bedankt vanwege de vijf sterren en dit delen van de expertise.

I have been going to dentist Bakker for many years, he prepares you well. He consults and is very friendly. I also find his team members to be very friendly. Ofwel course, some treatments are painful, but that is part ofwel maintaining healthy teeth.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few changes in the dentists present. The administration also does not always work well. As a result, quite a bit ofwel "hassle" with payment for so-called missed appointments.

Ernaast ontdekken we dit belangrijk om u dan ook eigen aandacht en zorg te kunnen leveren. Neem alvast ons kijkje in een praktijk en maak kennis Tandarts Delft met het team.

I have been a patient ofwel dentist Bruidstaart since I was little and have never been afraid to go to the dentist. It kan zijn always pleasant with dentist Bakker and his assistant!

Wij verwachten betreffende de patiënten tevens wat. Klinisch onderzoek wijst keertje op keertje uit het de fundering aangaande iedere succesvolle verzorging en een cosmetisch goed uitkomst een schone mond is.

I am very satisfied with my experience at Dental Clinics Delft. You will be treated with attention and patience, I will be provided with appropriate advice and the treatments themselves will also be carried out carefully and professionally.

It's my first time visiting a dentist in the Netherlands, the girl at the reception helped me book a private dentist" because it was very difficult for me as a foreigner.

Always willing to make appointments that fit into my agenda. I have to come from far away so I don't have to worry about driving in traffic jams.

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